A note about WHOIS With the new shared registration system model, the nature of the WHOIS server has changed. Under the new system, the registry WHOIS simply contains information on which Registrar is authoritative for a given domain.
For now, Registrars have the responsibility to maintain indivaidual WHOIS database for their clients. Instead of the InterNIC, Registrars' WHOIS servers respond a single query full whois data including registrant, administrative contact, billing contact, technical contact, and nameserver information. Report Spam?
Check out the Spammer's IP Number form e-mail headers, or a packed 32-bits IP Number (eg. 3231054869), and then using the Whois Database to find the spammer's network, send Spam complaints with mail headers to the admin-c or tech-c of the ISP Who offers connection service, It doesn't matter with DNS information or NICs. Some domain names experienced with spammers illegal fraudulent using their identity. More details at //spam.abuse.net/userhelp/
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